Our Surveys

A range of long term surveys take place across the Channel Island’s Ramsar Sites. This allows the site managers to monitor the state of habitats and species within the sites and make well informed management decisions. Below is a table of the ongoing surveys in our Ramsar sites.

PLEASE NOTE – This page is still under development and the current survey list only includes surveys undertaken by Alderney Wildlife Trust.

Photo credit: Survey - AWT Staff, Grey Seal - AWT Staff, Green Ormer  - AWT Staff
Natural Indicators Seawater Parameters Survey AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
MCS Beach Cleans AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
Side-scan Sonar AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
Climate change assessment AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
Subtidal Species Monitoring Drop-down video camera assessment AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
Fish Intel Commercial Fish Monitoring Jersey Marine Resources Pan Channel Island  
Marine IINS Marine IINS Monitoring AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
Intertidal Habitats and Species Intertidal habitat biotope survey AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
Seasearch AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
Shoresearch AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
Baited remote underwater video (BRUV) AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
PlanktoScope AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
Green Ormer AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
Crab Assemblage AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
Marine Mammals Seawatch AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
Grey seal surveys AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
Fish Intel F-Pod Cetacean Monitoring Jersey Marine Resources Pan Channel Island  
Stranding response AAWS, AWT Alderney marine@alderneywildlife.org
Wetland Birds Wetland bird survey (WeBS) AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Ringed Plover AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Oystercatcher AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Seabirds Round-island boat survey (all breeding seabirds) AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Outer island boat survey (great cormorant) AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Pullus colour ringing (lesser black-backed gull, northern gannet) CIBRS, ABO Alderney abo.warden@outlook.com
Pullus metal ringing (great cormorant, European shag, razorbill) CIBRS, ABO Alderney abo.warden@outlook.com
Mist netting and metal ringing (storm petrels) CIBRS, ABO Alderney abo.warden@outlook.com
Fulmar productivity AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Puffin productivity AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Puffin population census AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Guillemot productivity AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Gannet productivity & demography AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Gannet black eye surveys AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Gannet census AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Gannet plastic returns AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Gannet plastic entanglements AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Gannet tissue sampling AAWS Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Seabird stranding response AAWS, AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org

Bats Bailiwick Bat Survey

AWT Alderney ecologist@alderneywildlife.org
Biosecurity Rodent biosecurity monitoring on Burhou AWT Alderney ramsar-ecologist@alderneywildlife.org


AWT – Alderney Wildlife Trust

Alderney WCABI – Alderney West Coast And Burhou Island Ramsar Site

BTO – British Trust for Ornithology

JMR – Jersey Marine Resources