Channel Island Ramsar/WiSe Accredited Operators

WiSe accredited tour operators have undergone appropriate training and are recommended by the Channel Islands’ Ramsar Authorities.  The WiSe (Wildlife Safe) scheme offers nationally recognised training and accreditation to charter operators wishing to become involved in sustainable marine ecotourism.  The course sets out the best code of practise when interacting with wildlife including specific information about wildlife in the local area, which can be used to educate customers.  Using local operators familiar with the area for your wildlife expeditions should increase the value of your experience, minimise disturbance and ensure that no offences are committed.  A full list of locally accredited businesses can be found below. 


–        Absolute Adventures

–        Bouley Bay Dive Centre

–        Island RIB Voyages

–        Jersey Kayak Adventures

–        Jersey Little Ships

–        Jersey Marine Conservation

–        Jersey Seafaris

–        Jersey Walk Adventures

–        Le Mourier Swim Sea Save

–        Société Jersiaise Marine Biology Section

–        Wetwheels


–        States of Guernsey


–        Alderney Wildlife Trust


–        Adventure Sark